Ryan is a caring, insightful, and gentle soul who practices everything he preaches. Working with Ryan helped me see things about myself that I couldn't before and unlocked a whole new level of healing. He creates a safe, loving, and accepting space to truly be myself without judgment. On top of that, he is skilled at connecting the dots, asking the right questions, and gently guiding me to the answers that were buried deep within me all along.
Mary C. • Orlando, FL
Ryan is a kind, gentle, thoughtful, insightful & understanding soul. His presence is always a calming influence, putting all around him at ease. I always feel heard and seen with Ryan. His commitment to hold space for, uplift and help others heal is the genuine article. Ryan has so much experience, wisdom, strength and hope to share.
Dana Kaplan • E-RYT 500, CLYT, Maitland, FL
I’ve known Ryan for quite a few years and have always been impressed with his determination to grow and learn. His curiosity leads him to insightful revelations about who he is and how to move forward in life. What he brings to the table is courage, the ability to truly listen, honesty, empathy and his life experiences. I’ve seen him go deep within himself, face his demons and come out on the other side with a new-found wisdom and clarity. I know his heart is in the right place because he cares about people, their journey, and how he can be of service to them.
Bert Mitchell • Instructor, Personal Power & Prosperity (P3) Workshop, Training Manager, Tallahassee, FL
Ryan Is one of the most compassionate souls that I have ever met. He is intelligent, brave and introspective. And I believe that Ryan uses his own life experiences to help others along the path of their own lives. He is a good soul.
Mary Hayes • Intuitive Counselor and Medium, Winter Park, FL
I have known Ryan for many years and have seen the growth in his life not only emotional but spiritual. He has always been an excellent listener and opening up to him allowed me to express my thoughts, fears other and emotions without feeling judged or oppressed. Ryan always shows his empathic love for others and I am certain that he will bring hope and a new outlook in life for his clients.
MaryCarmen Hernandez • LMT, RYT-200, Wellness Consultant, Orlando, FL
I have known Ryan several years and during this time he has demonstrated a deep commitment to personal growth and development. I am impressed by his courage, willingness, and dedication to his own personal growth, as well as his compassionate and devoted desire to assist others with their personal development. Ryan is authentic and genuinely cares about the wellbeing of others.
Charlene Sears, PhD • Founder & CEO: CST Associates, Executive Coach, Orlando, FL