A Word About Pricing and Services


While I fully believe that, spiritually speaking, everyone has the ability to access their spiritual truth, that does not mean that there aren’t obstacles to doing so.  I have written many times on this website about internal obstacles, but there is one very real external obstacle that many people face on their spiritual journeys – money.  We are living in a culture which unfortunately does not respect the equal distribution of wealth, and thus many of us are living with circumstances that prevent us from affording services that we need, including for many of us proper food and medical care.  It is my belief that no one has an obstacle that isn’t able to be overcome – it just doesn’t work that way on a spiritual level.  However, I fully realize that some individual’s current circumstances present very real obstacles to quality spiritual education.


That is why it is my intention to help anyone who genuinely wants to follow this path regardless of their ability to pay.  If you believe that your current circumstances prevent you from being able to pay the rates that I have listed, I have a process which will help you determine what you can afford to pay (see the link at the bottom of the page).  If I am able to fit you into my current workload, I will happily work with you for the agreed upon rate.  If I am unable at the time, I will place you on a waitlist until such a position is available.  If I am unable to work with you for whatever reason, I will do my best to find you a spiritual solution that will work for you, whether it be another coach, or simply some advice on where to find some less costly solutions.  Do not be discouraged – the solution ultimately is the same for everyone – to look inside.  How we get there is ultimately up to us.  Your financial circumstance in no way limits your ability to walk the spiritual path or to have a fulfilling life!


In addition, I believe that hiring a spiritual coach is a great undertaking and the choice of who to work with should not be taken lightly.  This is why I always provide a free consultation for any potential client – you should feel that our personalities are compatible and have an innate sense of comfort and safety when we meet.  This is a great tool in helping to decide if this process is right for you.  After this process, I work with each client individually to work out a contract.  The rates I provide are examples of what I would charge, however it may be decided that due to a particular circumstance, more or less coaching is desired, thus the rates may change accordingly.  The goal is that we come up with a contract that is agreeable to each of us, and is drafted such that neither of us ever feels confined by our relationship.


Ultimately, money is just another form of energy exchange.  Whether we believe it or not, there is nothing for “free;” always there is energy exchanging in one form or another between entities.  Simultaneously, there is no time when our needs can’t be met.  Even when we are feeling like we are getting something for “free,” or “getting away with” unknowingly getting a service at a bargain or reduced rate, we are really only damaging ourselves by harboring such a feeling of ill will towards those who would provide for us.  Due to the culture that we live in, however, there are many obstacles to this realization – something that I am constantly growing towards a greater understanding of.  A “scarcity” mentality – or the belief that there are not enough resources in the world to provide for everyone – unfortunately fuels our economy and our political system, and therefore many of our personal belief systems. 


It is my goal to help free not only my clients, but everyone around me from this false belief.  Each relationship with each client, each session, and each individual interaction should feel free and easy, equally valuable to each participant.  In fact, this is how it is naturally.  Overcoming the obstacles to this realization can be a healthy and productive part of spiritual growth, while expressing dissatisfaction, asking for needs to be met, and honoring commitment to exchanging goods and services equally can also be healthy boundaries that we can practice enforcing.  Let us always remember that the transition from “scarcity” to an “abundance” mentality is often an extremely beneficial part of the spiritual growth process, and is always a core value of my practice.